The Top Job by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel, is story is about a class who is discussing different careers. The teacher, Mrs.Feeny asks her students to stand up and talk about their parent’s jobs. One of the girls in the class has a dad that changes light bulbs. A boy in the class makes a rude comment about her dad's career but the girl continues talking about a career of changing light bulbs. She begins to tell them that she had gone to work with her dad last weekend for a special job. Her dad was in charge of changing a light bulb on the top of the Empire State Building. The girl describes the important equipment needed for such a task, the amount of time it took and the requirements of the job. The whole class is suddenly interested in her dad’s job. The boy in the class said, "boring", what many others in the class may have been thinking when she said her dad changed light bulbs for a living. He was too quick to judge her dad's career and in the end the whole class was really drawn to the girl's story. This book represents a good lesson, don't judge a book by it's cover. Things aren't always as they seem, we should always take a closer look before we assume things about something or someone.
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