Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Two Uncles (controversial)

My Two Uncles by Judith Vigna is a story about a family dealing with the fact that someone they are related to is gay. Some members of the family are okay with the fact that their cousin, brother etc. is gay and other people like his parents are not. This can be a difficult issue for families to deal with. I have a brother and a sister and I know that I would not think of them any differently if I found out either one of them were gay. However, I know my parents would be really upset and have a hard time accepting them after that. Like the father in the book, my dad would have a hard time being understanding if my brother was gay and brought home a partner. I can see my mom being like the mom in the book and even though she would not approve, she would atleast let her son know he was still loved. The mom in the book gives her son and his partner a hug but the dad remains outside. Sometimes it takes certain people longer than others to deal with certain situations. I think the dad wants to let his son know he is loved but it is going to take him awhile to deal with it. This book shows the reality of one of the struggles people face when they are homosexual.

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