Night in the Country by Cynthia Rylant is a book that uses many sensory details. When I was reading through it I actually felt like I was back home. Where I live it is so quiet you can hear all the noises a house makes. In the book she talks hearing frogs and apples drop and becuase of the details you feel like you are actually there. Sensory details help the reader to better understand where you are coming from. I loved this book because it uses the senses. It talks about how when you are having trouble sleeping you can hear all those noises around you. Hearing the noises frogs make at night when you can't sleep is the worst for me. You just want silence but if you were really tired enough you would easily tune out the sounds and fall asleep. This would be a good book to read to students if they are lacking details in their writing.
I love reading books that are about the country! I grew up in the country and listening to all of those sounds. I love when the author uses sensory detail when writing the story. It makes it feel like you are actually there.