Children’s literature was a successful experience for me. I learned a significant amount about children’s literature and the types of books I like. I now know what I consider to be a good children’s book. After the first time our class met, I was worried about how the blog would work out. I had never done a blog before and I was unsure about the whole process of creating one. After a few weeks of blogging, I was happy that we did a blog instead of a word document. Blogging can be more personalized and creative. It also allowed easy access to the work of classmates so I could get recommendations on other books to read. Looking at classmates and commenting on their blogs was fun. Each person had their own personalized page, with a different writing style and opinion on children’s literature. I also enjoyed doing the genre and author study.
The genre study gave me the chance to explore contemporary realistic fiction, a genre I had not heard of before this class. Our genre presentations taught me a lot about the different genres and the type of books they include. The author study allowed me to learn more about Jane Yolen and her life as an author. All of these assignments provided me with a vast array of knowledge regarding children’s literature. This knowledge will help me to decide which children’s books I include in my classroom one day.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is a book about a group of four best girl friends Bree, Carmen, Lena and Tibby. They all face different struggles and challenges during a summer when they are apart from each other. A pair of pants that magically fit each of them keeps them connected. Some parts of the book made me sad because one of the girls becomes friends with a girl who has cancer. Cancer is something that has plagued my family for generations so whenever the disease comes up I find it hard not to cry. I thought this was a great book that sparks many different emotions. There are parts when you laugh, smile, get mad and cry. To me, any book that can do all of these things is a good one.
Traveling Tom and the Leprechaun

Traveling Tom and the Leprechaun by Teresa Bateman is a book about an Irish princess named Kathleen. Kathleen did not wish to marry because she was not interested in any of the noblemen’s sons who liked her. Since people in the country began to talk she came up with a plan. She said she would marry the man who could win a leprechaun’s pot of gold in a single day’s time. She figured it would take an intelligent, daring man to accomplish such a task. She was right, one day a fine man named Tom came down from the mountains to take a shot at her challenge. He succeeds and they end up married in the end. Although the story was very predictable, as many fairytales and Disney movies are, I thought it was cute. Tom won the challenge by being patient with and kind to the leprechaun and these are qualities we would like children to have. This would be a good book to read when talking about Ireland or St. Patrick’s day.
Sail Away Little Boat

Sail Away, Little Boat by Janet Buell is a story about a boy and his toy sailboat. The young boy brings his sailboat to a brook and sets in the water. The sailboat begins its journey sailing down the brook. Many things are listed that it passes along the way. Eventually it finds its way to the ocean. At the end of the book, three children find the sail boat by the beach and play with it. An up close picture of the sailboat is illustrated and the reader can see that friendship is written on the boat. I thought this was a really cute book. The boat brings the little boy in the beginning so much happiness and in the end it brings a new set of a kids happiness too.
A Traveling Cat

A Traveling Cat by George Ella Lyon is a book about a stray cat named Boulevard. The young girl in the book finds Boulevard at the drive in Movie Theater and brings her home. Boulevard eventually has five kittens. Once the kittens are grown the young girl and her family give all the kittens away but one named Bruce. One day Boulevard disappears never to return again, she is a traveling cat after all. The book ends saying her home is the road. A similar experience happened with a stray cat and my family. A stray cat came to us pregnant and abused and we took her in. We named her Kallie. She had five kittens in our window well and once they were grown we gave away all of them but one. We still have Kallie and the runt of the litter, Cody at my parent’s house in Illinois. This story could have been written about my family, it was so close to what happened with us. Kallie wasn’t a traveler. She was too content to leave once she found her new home with us
The Best Place
The Best Place by Susan Meddaugh is about a wolf that has not traveled much but after a suggestion from a bird decides he should see other places before he gets too old. He always thought the view from his screened in porch was the best place in the world but he hadn’t ever seen any parts. The next day the wolf sells his house and begins his adventure around the world to places like London and the desert. After his travels he returns home and wishes he had not sold his house. Unfortunately, the rabbit family who moved in does not want to sell his house back to him. The wolf spends the night in a tree and when he wakes up he sees the sun rising right over the trees. He realizes he did not have to travel the world to see other beautiful things; he just needed to get outside of his old screened in porch. He builds a new house in the tree and decides he has now truly found the best place in the world. This is a cute story about moving outside of your comfort zone to discover new things in life. Many people get stuck in their daily routine and refrain from trying new things and being active. This is a good story that reminds us of the simple joys in life that can be found by simply stepping outside your comfort zone.
Tiny's Hat

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Around the World

Around the World by Lindsay Barrett George Is a book about a teacher’s travels around the world for nine months. The pages of the book are letters to her students back home. The way this book was set up was really unique. Each page included a letter of everything she did and certain things she saw. For example, in Australia she saw a kangaroo, a wombat and a kola bear. At the end of the story the kids have a welcome back party for their teacher and they from the looks on their faces you can tell they’re a excited. What a cool thing for a teacher to do, travel the country and write students. I hope that I can travel a lot so that I have many experiences and stories to share with my students one day. I really liked this book and I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in traveling!
Pictures from our Vacation

Pictures from Our Vacation by Lynne Rae Perkins is a book about a young girl who takes a road trip with her brother, mom and dad to visit her grandparents. Before they leave the house her mom gives both kids a Polaroid camera to snap pictures with their camera. Throughout the book their snapshots of their vacation are pictured. I really liked this touch to the illustrations; it gave the book a lot of character. There were also dialogue and thinking bubbles in the book. This made the book similar to a graphic novel. Although at first the vacation was not turning out to be what the young girl thought it would be she ended up satisfied with it in the end. She met many family members and enjoyed relaxing with her family. We have all had those vacations that don’t exactly meet our expectations but still turn out great. I thought this was a really good book and I plan to use it in my text set about traveling/vacation.
Travels With My Family

Travels With my Family by Marie-Louise Gay is about a young boy and his family vacation. Although him and his brother would rather go to Disneyland they are forced to venture in North America and Mexico. This book reminds me of the Goofy Movie when Goofy and his son, Max go on a road trip. Max really wants to go to a concert but Goofy insists on making him go to run down tourist stops. I know some family vacations do not always go well but I always had good experiences when vacationing with my family. We all get along really well and my dad always tried to go do things that interested everyone. I’m fortunate to have had these experiences because like the story told in this novel not all families have successful vacations.
We're Saling Down the Nile

We're Sailing Down the Nile by Laurie Krebs
is a book about traveling to Egypt. The narrator walks us through various places one would see if they were in Egypt. At the end of the story, the places that were visited in the book are listed along with factual information. There is also a map of Egypt included followed by the history of Ancient Egypt. This book was really interesting and I learned some cool facts about Egypt. This would be useful to anyone wanting to learn more about Egypt.
Off We Go To Mexico!

Off We Go To Mexico by Laurie Krebs is a book filled with information about what a person would encounter if they visited Mexico. Every page is filled with bright illustrations and English as well as Spanish words. The narrator takes us through various places to travel. At the end of the book, facts about Mexico are listed. Mexico’s festivals such as Independence Day and Mondays of the Hill are also listed in the back. Finally the history of Mexico is presented. I found this book to be really interesting. I took 5 years of French so it is exciting to be familiarized with the Spanish language, the history of Mexico, and interesting facts. I think children would also really enjoy this book because it includes a lot of fun facts and the illustrations are bright and appealing.
All Along the Dinotrain

All Aboard the Dinotrain by Deb Lund is about a group of dinosaurs who say goodbye to their families and set off on a train ride adventure. Unfortunately many things go wrong for the dinosaurs along the way. In the end they crash the train and conveniently land in the water. They are forced to turn back home on foot and decide they will never take a train ride adventure again. The book ends letting the reader know that the dinosaurs are still eager to travel again but next time they plan to take an airplane. This book would be cute for any child who has an interest in dinosaurs and trains. Many kids I babysit love to play with both train sets and dinosaurs. They may also enjoy having a book like this one read to them.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Year of Impossible Goodbyes
Year of Impossible Goodbyes by Sook Nyul Choi is a true story told from the perspective of a young Korean girl in 1945. She lived during a time when the Japanese military occupied Korea followed by the Communist Russian troops occupation of North Korea. This was a really good book that grabbed my attention after the first 40 pages or so. I eagerly read more to find out when this poor girl and her family would be finally be free. I was so relieved for Sook Nyul and her family when the Japanese finally left and they were given a huge bag of rice. I can’t imagine not being able to have plenty of food for my next meal. The Koreans were practically starved by the Japanese during this time. It makes me so sad to hear stories like this, I can’t imagine treating other people this way. It must have been terribly disappointing when the Communist Russian troops took control of North Korea right after the Japanese had left. It must have been hard to celebrate being free and then all of a sudden have to go back to living a controlled life again. I was worried about their trip to the border. I had a bad feeling about their tour guide when Sook Nyul mentioned that she thought he was just a greedy farmer. I can’t believe he left her and her brother all alone after promising to get them safely to the border. Sook Nyul and Inchun, her brother must have been frightened to be on their own. I was relieved when they made it to the border and reached the red cross tents. Thankfully, their mother made it across the border months later as well. I was worried that she had been killed. I was so happy for their family when they were finally reunited but sad that the aunt and Kisa had been killed. I wish this story would have had a happy ending but that is just not always the case in real life, especially during a war. I would definitely recommend this book and I plan to use it in my own classroom one day.
Friday, April 3, 2009
For the Love of Autumn

For the Love of Autumn by Patricia Polacco is a story about a cat named Autumn that brings her owner Danielle and a stranger named Mr. Norton together. When Autumn disappears on a stormy night Danielle is terribly worried. The cat does not return for awhile and there was a mountain lion sighted around where Danielle lived so she feared the worst. Autumn did not return for days so Danielle began to accept the fact that her cat may never return. Then one day autumn finally returned and she was in good condition. Soon after, Autumn began disappearing for periods of time and then returning to Danielle. It became clear that someone else was caring for Autumn. Danielle and the other care taker of Autumn, Mr.Norton meet and fall in love! This story is a cute and it is great for cat lovers! I have three cats at home and they all have such great personalities like the cat in the book. My mom cannot sleep when one of them is left out at night. I would recommend this book to anyone with a pet. For the Love of Autumn is a story that leaves you with a smile.
Mr.Lincoln's Way

Mr.Lincoln's Way by Patricia Polacco Is a story about a wonderful principal named Mr.Lincoln who struggles to reach a particular child who causes trouble in his school. The child’s name is Eugene Esterhause and he causes problems in the school such as sassing teachers and bullying kids. Mr.Lincoln observes Eugene looking out the window at birds more than once and takes note of that interest. He decides to ask Eugene to help him get more birds at their school atrium. Eugene agrees and slowly a friendship begins to form. Mr.Lincoln finds out that Eugene knows a lot about birds from living on his grandfather’s farm. Mr.Lincoln uses Eugene’s interest in birds to help him realize that bullying is not okay. Eugene beings to refrain from bullying and calling the other kids inappropriate racial names . By the end of the story he is transformed into a model citizen. This book was truly heartwarming. It is a wonderfully story with an important theme, reaching students through their interests and helping them grown as individuals. I hope that I can be just as successful as Mr.Lincoln in reaching students!
Mrs.Katz and Tush

Mrs.Katz and Tush by Patricia Polacco is a story about the friendship that forms between old woman named Mrs.Katz and her neighbor, a young boy named Larnel. Larnel gets to know Mrs.Katz when he asks her to adopt an abandoned kitten. She agrees and makes him promise to help her take care of it because she has never had a cat before. Mrs.Katz names the kitten Tush because it has no tail. The cat is the starting point of a wonderful friendship between Mrs.Katz and Larnel. Larnel goes over to Mrs.Katz’s home every day not just to see the kitten but to hear her wonderful stories. This reminds me of a neighbor who lived across the street from us growing up. She was a widow like the woman in the story and she loved having my brother, sister and I over. She never had any kids because her husband died young and the rest of her family lived in a different state. She became a part of our family and treated us like we were her grandchildren. When my mom started working she used to watch me before and after school. She walked me to the bus stop every day and made sure I got on safe. I looked forward to seeing her after school at the bust stop again, where she would be waiting for me. Now she is in a nursing home but my mom goes to visit her every week and when I’m home I also make sure to go see her. This story has a special place in my heart because I think friendships with elderly people are so important. Many times they are lonely and nothing can make them feel appreciated more than spending time with them.
Queen of the World

Lucky Pennies and Hot Chocolate

Lucky Pennies and Hot Chocolate by Carol Diggory Shields is a story told from the perspective of a grandpa whose grandson is coming for a visit. The first time I read it through I thought it was told from the perspective of the grandson but then when I got to the end I realized it was the other way around. The grandpa loves picking pennies up off the ground, drinking hot chocolate and telling knock knock jokes with his grandson. The relationship they have together is so cute. It reminds me of how my grandma and I interacted. It also reminds me of how my dad acts with my niece. They love spending time together and going on their own little adventures like the grandpa and grandson in the book. I only have one grandparent left and I’m going to Arkansas to visit him this summer. This book makes me even more excited to see him! The bond between grandparents and their grandchildren is so special. This is definitely a book worth reading!
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