Queen of the World by Thomas F. Yezerski is a story about a family of three sisters who share a room and who sometimes have trouble getting along. They don’t feel like they have anything in common because they are different ages and like different things. Their mom wishes that they could not fight so much. When their dad tells them it is their mom’s birthday they start a competition for who can make the best present. They decide whoever wins the competition will be queen of the world! They even make a crown for the winner. That night, after they finish making their presents they wait patiently for their mom to open them. They argue over whose present is best and their mom started to cry. They are sent up to their room and for the first time in the story they get along. They all feel terrible for making their mom upset on her birthday. They begin to think of a plan to make it up to their mom. In the morning, they present their mom with a queen of the world crown and breakfast in bed. It was exactly what she had always wanted. The story ends with the mom and her daughters in bed cuddling. The three girls realized they have something in common, they love their mom. This story brought me back to memories of sharing a room with my sister growing up and fighting all the time. We were different in many ways and it was difficult for us to share a room and get along. Now that we are older, we get along much better and I know it makes my mom happy. This story is a good example for kids to see that they can find something in common with their siblings if they look hard enough. They can also see that it makes parents upset when they do not get along.
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