Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Heather Has Two Mommies (controversial)

Heather Has Two Mommies by Leslea Newman is a book about a little girl named Heather who does have two mommies. Heather starts crying at school one day because everyone else in her class is talking about what their moms and dads do. She feels left out and different because she does not have a dad. Later Heather learns that not everyone comes from the same family. She begins to see that some of her classmates families are huge, some are small and some are non-traditional. From this experience she begins to see the true meaning of family. I like that there is a book out there for students with non-traditional families. I work at an after school program and two of the little girls have two moms. They would be so excited to read a book that is about their life! I'm sure many times they pick up a book and see a mom, dad and kids. They probably begin to feel bad about themselves, like Heather did and start to wonder why they don't have a dad. They long to read a book like this one, that is actually representative of their lives. Being able to connect to a book is very rewarding for kids. I think it is good that this book is out there for gay and lesbian parents, their children and anyone else who wants to expose their children to the fact that there are many different types of families in the world.

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